Maritime Reporter TV Interviews Scienco/FAST at SMM Hamburg
Introducing Scienco® InTank™ BWTS
More than just Marine Sewage Systems!
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IMO (International Maritime Organization) – MARPOL 73/78 (50 BOD5, 50 TSS, 250 fecal) and MARPOL 2010 (25 BOD5, 35 TSS, 125 COD, 100 fecal) sets international standards for seafarers’ certificates of competency to prevent danger to others on board, the marine environment and themselves.
MEPC.159(55) and MEPC.227(64) – 25 mg/l BOD5, 35 mg/l TSS, 125 mg/l COD and 100 coliform/100 ml, chlorine residual < 0.5 mg/l – no dilution required. Scienco/FAST has been awarded USCG and Transport Canada certifications for MARPOL configuration FAST® & MarineMBR™ systems using peracetic acid (PAA) as the disinfectant. Scienco/FAST units to include a PAA feeder allows units needing to meet International Maritime Organization (IMO) MARPOL standards.
USCG, IMO and Revised G8 Type approved Ballast Water Management System
2017 North American “Integrated Water Treatment Technology Leadership” Award, Frost & Sullivan
2016 Presidential “E Star” Award * 2012 President’s “E” Award for Excellence in Exports, granted by President of the United States, presented by US Dept of Commerce
2016 Shortlist for Lloyd’s List Maritime Awards in Innovation Category finalist
2015 Ingenuity Award Winner, Ingenuity Central @ K-State Olathe, Ingenuity Central (IC) showcases innovative companies that exemplify the newest thinking driving our community & growing our economy.
2015 Innovation in Marine Environmental Technology Offshore Excellence Award, based on environmental impact with marine sanitation devices and technology.
About Scienco/FAST with decades of Innovation:
Internationally recognized for quality products and top-notch field services, Scienco/FAST is an original equipment manufacturer specializing in sewage, ballast, and water treatment equipment for the marine industry. The mission of Scienco/FAST is to provide a superior treatment systems that assists companies around the world to perform at the highest safety, compliance and reliability standards without impacting cargo operations. We recently introduced an “ultrafiltration”, membrane bioreactor, certified Type II MSD called BioBarrier® MarineMBR®.
CELEBRATING 50+ YEARS OF FAST® TECHNOLOGY! Since the first installation in 1969 on board the Towboat, M/V Missouri, certified Type II Marine Sanitation Devices, called MarineFAST® wastewater treatment systems, are installed on some of the ‘greenest’ boats in the world to provide total sewage treatment, pretreatment, and (in some cases) water reuse opportunities. These MarineFAST units provide outstanding effluent quality and starts up much faster than conventional suspended growth processes – usually in half the time! Check out our ad placed in Maritime Reporter Magazine in 1978: FAST_AD_Maritime_Reporter_1978
What makes Scienco/FAST so great? Our Products, Policies, and People! With decades of experience in our respective fields, the Scienco/FAST team of marine engineers, drafters, technical engineers for sizing and regulations, manufacturing, field experts brings creative and diverse perspectives for marine sanitation solutions.
“We manufacture proven technologies in new and innovative ways with good people and good policies.”
~ Robert Rebori, President, BioMicrobics, Inc. and Scienco/FAST, a subsidiary of BioMicrobics, Inc.
If you have any questions, feedback or have an upcoming project, contact Scienco/FAST to let us know how we can better serve you.
Maritime Reporter TV: Check out the Interview with Scienco/FAST at a past SMM Hamburg Event!
At the SMM 2016 in Hamburg, Germany, Maritime Reporter TV’s Greg Trauthwein, Editor and Associate Publisher of Maritime Reporter and Engineering News, interviews Robert (Bob) J. Rebori, President, BioMicrobics Scienco/FAST. Mr. Rebori discusses current market conditions and drivers for waste water handling systems:
Introducing the Scienco® InTank™ Ballast Water Treatment System!
For unrestricted ballast water flow, Scienco/FAST is pleased to offer the InTank™ BWTS treatment to remain InVoyage™ InControl™ & InCompliance™ with no filters!
Is your BWT compliance strategy working? As time goes by, the “Revised G8” Type Approval distinction is looming and more important than ever to get right! Compliance with the BW regulations goes beyond having the correct paperwork and Certificate, it involves practical compliance; running the BWTS correctly to the conditions listed on the TA Cert and to the OMSM (what we refer to as, “Technical Compliance”) and meeting the D-2 discharge standard (i.e. Biological Compliance).
The Scienco® InTank™ Ballast Water Treatment System is the only USCG, IMO and Revised G8 Type approved, “in voyage” BWTS. The InTank BWTS allows a vessel to use normal port operations, and maintain complete control over its ballast water compliance. Among all the BWTS offered, this 2nd-generation BWTS is completely different to in-line BWTS. The Scienco® InTank™ treats and neutralizes ballast water in the ballast tanks during the voyage. A small circulation of ballast is drawn aft from one ballast tank at a time, the Active Substance, Sodium Hypochlorite, is added (produced by an EC Cell or from Bulk Chemical storage, or both) to the circulation and returned to the tank. Treatment is monitored using the TRO concentration of the circulated ballast. Treatment is completed during the voyage, neutralization is completed in the day or two before discharge.
The Scienco® InTank™ BWTS provides a commercial vessel with a fundamentally more elegant and secure solution to BW compliance. The vessel and crew will perform at the highest safety, compliance and reliability standards without impacting cargo operations, at the lowest cost possible. Unique, Elegant, Robust.
In addition to this new product offering, we would like to welcome Giles Candy,, to our Scienco/FAST Team! Giles is a Ballast Water Treatment Expert (15+ years!) that worked with the InTank System prior to our ownership. He helped develop, test, and certify the system, as well as sold and installed BWTS from 500m3/hr to 6,350m3/hr. He will help BioMicrobics Distributors and Scienco/FAST Marine Reps to answer ballast water regulations and compliance requirements anywhere in the world.
More than just Marine Sewage Systems!
Scienco/FAST, a subsidiary of BioMicrobics, is a global manufacturer of MarineFAST® Marine Sanitation Devices, as well as Water Management Solutions: Agriculture disinfection systems, Commercial Food & Industrial Equipment, Municipal Water Treatment, Hospital/Institutional Equipment, industrial and commercial bulk salt dissolver systems (brinemakers), liquid injection systems, and environmentally-friendly maintenance tablets and cleaners for commercial properties. The Scienco® SciCHLOR® Sodium Hypochlorite Generator is a cost effective and reliable method of safely producing liquid chlorine for onsite disinfection.
Scienco® InTank™ Ballast Water Treatment Systems: Among all the BWTS offered, this 2nd-generation USCG, IMO Type Approved BWTS is completely different to in-line BWTS. InTank provides a commercial vessel with a fundamentally more elegant and secure solution to BW compliance. The vessel and crew will perform at the highest safety, compliance and reliability standards without impacting cargo operations, at the lowest cost possible.
Scienco® SciCHLOR® Sodium Hypochlorite Generators: A SIMPLE SOLUTION FOR DISINFECTION AND WATER TREATMENT to provide a SAFE, economic, on-demand production of Chlorine! Fully integrated, simple, and compact designed system. The SciCHLOR® system with SciCELL® technology uses a recirculating method to produce 0.8% strength sodium hypochlorite solution in 10 lb (4.5 kg), 20 lb (9 kg), 40 lb (18 kg) and 60 lb (27 kg) NaOCl/day sizes. Scienco/FAST Received the NSF 61 Certification for SciCHLOR® ! For more information, contact for technical assistance and sizing for a potential client or project.
Scienco® Danolyte® Hypochlorous Acid Generators:The automation and optimization of producing a potent, EPA registered disinfectant that is deadly to 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, yet safe and nontoxic to humans and the environment is what sets our equipment apart. Need more info about Scienco® Danolyte® for surface disinfection? For more information, contact for technical assistance and sizing for a potential client or project.
Scienco® SciBRINE® Bulk Salt Dissolver & Brinemakers:produce and store a liquid brine solution that can be used in various applications, such as a food additive, a chemical feed for various chemical processes or an ion exchange/water softening process, etc.
Marine BioBarrier® MBR Family expands with a certified MarineMBR®!
BioBarrier® membrane bioreactors [see for more MBR and HSMBR® (high strength membrane bioreactor) options] are engineered to treat all sources of blackwater and greywater in varying strengths and dependent on daily wastewater flow and certified for water reuse (NSF/ANSI STD 350).
On marine applications, the BioBarrier® MarineMBR® helps to meet the increasingly stringent needs of water quality standards for total marine sewage onboard the vessel. The Scienco/FAST MarineMBR® steel tank provides access for maintenance and removal of the membranes for deep cleaning or replacement. As well as the maintenance on the filtrate pumps and easy to access blower(s), while keeping as much of the equipment below deck and out of sight. All penetrations for air lines, filtrate outflow and electric cables are installed below the main deck. It is recommended to check what local regulations are required in case additional information is needed.
Coast Guard and IMO,How it works:To assure consistent effluent quality, the BioBarrier® MarineMBR® system operates automatically and is controlled by a three level float switch and timing relays in the control cabinet. A submersible pump is mounted on the membrane module housing and used as the filtrate pump.
Sizing the BioBarrier® MarineMBR® is based on GPD [L/D] and Sewage Factors and produces effluent that is typically non-detect coliforms and increases opportunities for water reuse and recycling on board the vessel:
·BOD less than 5 mg/L
·TSS less than 2 mg/L
·Turbidity less than 0.2 NTU
·Fecal coliform less than 200 CFU/100 mL (without disinfection)
For more information, contact for technical assistance and sizing for a potential client or project.
Scienco/FAST, a subsidiary of BioMicrobics, Inc. | Office: 314-756-9300 | Fax: 314-756-9306 | 12977 Maurer Industrial Drive | Saint Louis, Missouri 63127 USA
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